Organic Baby – Garlic Mullein Ear Oil 1oz




Before you rush into antibiotics (again) for another ear infection, try an age old remedy your great grandmother probably used! Ease the pain and discomfort, while the antibiotic and antiviral properties of the tiny mullein flower and fresh organic garlic kill off the bacteria naturally! No need to disturb all those beneficial gut bacteria that make up a huge portion of the immune system.
Directions:  Once opened, store in refrigerator. Put bottle inside a zip lock baggie to warm under water before each use. Use 1-2 drops per ear, treating both ears even if pain is only in 1. Rub gently around outside of ear to massage in, then use a little piece of cotton if necessary. Use every few hours until pain has subsided.

While herbalists and aromatherapists are not doctors and cannot diagnose, treat or cure any disease state in the USA, there has been much research in recent years pointing to specific herbs and essential oils that can help alleviate many different issues of today. While the recommendation is to ask your doctor before starting any herbal therapies, sadly, your doctor is not trained in herbal or nutritional medicines. Therefore, since it is simply not in their toolbox, they usually play it safe and tell you to avoid herbs, supplements, and food as medicines. Please use your intuition and educated wisdom to decide what feels authentic to you on your journey to health!

 Organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Mullein flowers (hand picked individually daily as they opened), garlic*